
As a blogger, I enjoy building great relationships with brands that I trust and stand behind.

If you are a brand and you have a fun, creative campaign that you think would be a great fit for Pinch Of This Dash Of That, I would love to hear about it! 


Items received as gifts will be considered for editorial coverage on this blog or through other social media platforms. Gifts do not guarantee coverage, and all gifts will be disclosed when included in editorial content on the blog. “Courtesy of,” “C/O,” or “gifted” all denote that a product was given to me by the brand, designer, or their agent. In compliance with FTC regulations, all gifts, sponsored content, etc. will be disclosed throughout this blog. 


I accept some sponsored posts, however, your product must match the content of my blog. If you think your company would be a good fit, please contact me by email for more information. 


For collaborations, or if you would like for me to review your product or service, or to feature it in a post,  please contact me via email for information and rates. All reviews will contain my honest opinion, photos of your product and the links to your website and other forms of social media that you request. 

Please complete the form below: