Summer is an exciting time for kids, but it’s important to keep them safe. Whether they’re spending time swimming in the pool, riding bikes, playing in the backyard, or hiking in the woods, there are plenty of activities to be enjoyed.
We as parents should be mindful of the potential dangers during the summer months. Here are a few things to remember when it comes to summer safety.
Summer Safety Tips

Practice water safety
Swimming is one of the most popular summer activities. Adult supervision is of utmost importance when it comes to water safety. Parents should be focused on their children 100% of the time. Please be mindful of the fact that children can drown in just one inch of water.
According to the CDC, drownings are the leading cause of injury death for young children ages 1 to 4, and three children die every day as a result of drowning.
- Be sure your child wears a water safety vest at all times.
- Backyard pools and hot tubs should be surrounded on all four sides by a fence that is at least five feet high, with gates that close and latch automatically.
- While swimming, make sure that an adult is within an arm’s length of the child being watched.
- Learn infant and child CPR, and keep rescue equipment, a phone and any emergency numbers near the pool.
Limit outdoor sun exposure
Prolonged exposure to hot temperatures can cause heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat stroke. By taking the proper precautionary measures, most heat-related illnesses can be avoided.
- Limit outdoor activities during mid-day sun hours (10 am – 4 pm).
- Make sure that your child is well hydrated when playing outdoors. Keep water on hand at all times. Drink before, during and after being out in the heat.
- Always wear sunscreen on both sunny and cloudy days. Choose products with UVA and UVB protection and an SPF of at least 15 (according to the American Academy of Pediatrics).
- Apply sunscreen liberally 30 minutes before going out into the sun and reapply every two hours – sooner if swimming or sweating.
- Wear protective clothing, including a hat and sunglasses.
- Look for shade whenever possible, and take inside breaks so that you can cool down.

Wear a helmet
Bike helmets reduce head injuries by 85 percent and brain injury by 88 percent. A helmet is the most important device available that can reduce head injury and death from a bicycle crash, according to Safe Kids Worldwide.
- Make sure your child wears a helmet whenever they are riding on any type of wheels. This includes bicycles, rollerblades, roller skates, skateboards, and scooters.
- Be sure that the helmet is the proper fit. Helmets protect your child from serious injury and can be life-saving.
Prevent playground injuries
Visiting our local parks and playgrounds has always been one of my son’s favorite activities, especially during the summer months.
As parents, make your child’s playground experience an enjoyable one by ensuring that they are wearing shoes at all times. You should also keep a close eye on your child and ensure that they are playing on age-appropriate equipment.
Remind children to use equipment properly and to not engage in dangerous behaviors such as jumping off of the swings.
Emergency departments in the US treat more than 200,000 children ages 14 and younger for playground-related injuries every year.
At home, parents can take actions to help prevent injuries on playground equipment by making sure that your backyard play equipment is safe and free of potential hazards such as broken or loose parts.
Be on the lookout for poisonous plants
Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac can cause a severe skin rash when touched.
- When hiking or camping outdoors, avoid bushy, overgrown areas where these plants tend to grow.
- Wear long sleeves, long pants, and socks to protect from possible exposure to these plants.
- You can learn to recognize the visual differences in these plants here.

Protect yourself against insects
Protect you and your kids from insect bites by using an effective insect repellent. When we spend time in our backyard, I always have citronella candles burning to keep mosquitoes away. I also use bug repellent to keep those and other pesky critters away.
Keep in mind that most insect repellents are made with DEET, an effective insecticide that is toxic or even potentially deadly if swallowed. If you do use a product containing DEET, it is important not to apply the product to a child’s hands or face to avoid possible ingestion.
It is also important to shower or bathe before bed to remove all of the product so that you avoid overexposure to the chemical. If you prefer an all natural version of insect repellent, Wellness Mama has a great recipe on her blog.
If you spend any time in the woods or areas that are prone to ticks, keep these safety measures in mind:
- Always wear protective clothing (long sleeves and long pants that are tucked into socks).
- Wear some form of tick repellent.
- Perform a tick check on your children daily.
Final thoughts
Every family should have a first aid kit at home that is well stocked and easily accessible. It’s also helpful to keep a first aid kit in the car and to take one on road trips. I keep a small one in the glove box and a larger one in our trunk.
Be sure to keep a list of emergency numbers that include 911, your family’s doctor, the dentist’s number, poison control, and any other important phone numbers, such as close relatives.
We all want to enjoy the warm weather, let’s just be sure that we stay safe as well. By taking these precautions, we as parents can help ensure that our kids have a safe and enjoyable summer.
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These are perfect reminders as the warmer weather sets in! Especially the wearing life vests for littles, and watching out for ticks and mosquitoes. I’m actually on my way outside to permethrin-treat my kiddos’ camping clothes for a Girl Scout camporee next weekend, so the ticks and mosquitoes will leave them alone 🙂
Yes ma’am. Gotta keep the little ones safe. Thank you for reading!
Thanks for the great reminders. I need to be more vigilant about checking for ticks regularly, especially on my husband, who does a huge amount of yard work!
Another important summer reminder..do not leave your children in a locked car while you go shopping..this happens so many times here in AZ senseless injuries and deaths..Thank for the great reminders for water safety!
You are so right Holly. Unfortunately this is something that happens all over. Thanks for the reminder.
Awesome advise! It’s important to keep kids safe during the summer. Keeping them out of the sun from 10:00 to 4:00, making sure they are hydrated, and safe from insect are my priorities.
These are amazing tips especially that summers are getting hotter than ever before. Great tips
What great advice – especially the water safety info. I work for the local fire department and I can’t tell you how many drownings or near drownings we see every summer – many of which could’ve easily been deterred. Definitely need to get info like this out to more parents! Great job!
Thank you Alma! We definitely want to keep the kiddos safe. Thanks for reading.
A great reminder for kids especially during summer time. I agree the insects’ bites can be annoying and the worse is when it is the dengue fever caused by nasty mosquito aedes which happen a lot in Asia.
These are some great reminders during summer! Safety first, always! Thank you for the tips!
Yes to keeping your kiddos safe in the summer! Pool safety is def. key on those hot summer days! Great tips!
Thank you!
Very useful advise. Thank you!! It’s important to keep these kids safe.
One of my students had a tick in her backpack. Scary. We got it though. She said she was in the woods over the weekend prior to us finding it!
Wow! It’s a good thing you were able to get it before she was bitten.
Thanks for sharing your recommendations. These surely will be helpful to many parents with kids in search of a perfect summer outing.
Thank you!
These are some great tips for keeping kids safe during the summer. Thanks for sharing.
These are some great tips for summer safety. Definitely some great things to think about.
These are such important tips! Especially the one about touching anything poisonous, you wouldn’t really think of. A great post.
Lots of very important precautions! Thanks for sharing and raising awareness!
safety is always important to remember. summertime probably more so than other seasons!
Oh my yes to this. Safety is so important for us. It is so important to be safe than sorry. We do a lot of outdoor activities so we do many of the tips you mentioned here